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The Shift in Direction

When you think of how you feel inside, their tends to be that hesitation because of that small still voice that tells you something is different something is going to change.

I had been planning without any confirmation or financial ability to make several trips for The Jim Price Show to bring better and more accurate information for your decrement. I made these plans out loud and with faith. I knew I would be going. Faith and understanding do not go hand and hand, rather they work against one another. I have been on a journey of discovery my entire life. The journey was never a plan but looking back I have had an amazing life of horrible lows and breath taking highs. Every day working to be better then I was the day before.

When I think of the knowledge and understanding I have gained I am more then humbled. This week will be another awesome point to reflect on in the future. Our sweet Constitutional Republic has been torn down and replaced with lies. When we regain our God given rightful place as the masters of our own Freedoms and Liberties, the fight will not be over. We can never stand down or fall asleep as we have in the past. We must stand a post and watch for those evil doers that will bring us into slavery once again.

I have often said I would rather be where the flash happens. I do believe I am heading to the center of it all. The system of lies we live under will have to be torn away and be built back into a more perfect union. Life is not the weak or for cowards. We can never fall back into the I need I want from the government. We must stand together not looking for the hand out. We must be brave and resolute in our demand for Freedom.

I has seen and lived in the effects of the establishment and their lies. The cool kids club were nothing more then insecure bullies. Our future is bright if only we act together. The facts of the steal, the facts of our choices being taken away are real. They have been away because they taught us to fear them. We will never live in fear again.

We must think outside of ourselves and be more for the world around us to make this world a better place. I believe in my heart We will win.

I look forward to sharing with you all of the details and inside information I can over these next few days. I ask you pray for me and stay tuned.

We Stand With All Patriots!!! #westandwithallpatriots

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Timothy Hess
Aug 12, 2021

New follower and happy to join my fellow patriots. Looking forward to hearing from soon my friend.


Bob Miotla
Bob Miotla
Aug 09, 2021

I’m with you my friend


Aug 09, 2021

God bless you and give you direction Jim.


Aug 09, 2021

I am with you, Jim! And I look forward to any information you will be offering us from the upcoming symposium. Thank you, my man, and God bless you! JK

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